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Jeremy Likness
Monroe, WA, USA
03:00 am

Equipment Details:

Svbony sv503 70ED 336mm f/5 doublet refractor
ZWO ASI294MC Pro cooled camera

Post-processing Details:


Image Details:

Last night I was able to follow the Elephant's Trunk nebula down to the horizon and captured 6 additional hours of data. My setup was a bit unorthodox: I had my Celestron EdgeHD 9.25" guiding for my Svbony sv503 70ED that usually serves as my guide scope for the Celestron. They worked well with their roles reversed. I dithered aggressively and was able to drizzle 3x the camera resolution, then zoom in on the trunk and surrounding area. Here is IC1396 in a capture I call, "Elefante."