EarthSky Community Photos

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Osama Fathi
Cairo, Egypt
08:00 pm

Equipment Details:

Gears :
Skywatcher sky adventurer tracker , RedCat 51, Celesetron 3X barlow, Nikon Z6

Post-processing Details:

The Moon

- 6 Jan 2023 , Diameter 29.8‘, Distance 405594 km
Video 1/100", ISO 800, 1437 Frames
- 14 th July 2022 Diameter 33.6 ‘ , Distance 359688Km
Video 1/100", ISO 640, 973 Frames

PIPP to convert video to TIFF frames , Autostakkert 3 for stacking , Adobe Photoshop

Image Details:

Comparison of the Full Buck super moon on July 14, 2022, and the Full Wolf's Micro Moon on January 6, 2023

The moon's apparent diameter/angular size was 29.8'on January 6, 2023, making it the smallest full moon or a micro moon. The full wolf's Moon was at the Apogee and at its furthest point from the earth at 405594 Km.

The Full Buck Moon on July 13–14 was a super moon with an apparent diameter of 33.6', which is thought to be the largest apparent diameter of the Moon. The moon was at its closest point to the earth at a distance of 405594 miles.