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Jennifer J. Wilhoit
Bainbridge Island, WA USA
10:15 am

Equipment Details:

Canon SX70 HS

Post-processing Details:

increased definition by one increment; decreased highlights by one increment;
trimmed the edges a bit

Image Details:

This Northern Flicker has been feasting on the ground, on my roof, and in the rain gutters with a flock of robins over recent days. A few hours ago, I heard him pecking over head as I worked in my home office. I took a break to see if I could capture a photograph through the window; I wasn’t sure if I would succeed because these guys are very shy, flying off at the slightest movement or sound. When I saw him pausing in his breakfast pursuit on a fencepost, I was able to snap this image of him apparently examining a piece of wild grass. I call this image, “Northern Flicker Playing Naturalist.”