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Nikon D600 Astro Modified.
Tamron 15-30 2.8
I-Optron Sky Tracker.
Sky: 36x2 minutes at iso 800
one single shot during the blue hour with.
pixinsight, photoshop , laminar neo, Topaz denoise
Here is my image for #geminid meteor shower Final Image Taken along it's peak time.
Story: one of the most amazing areas in the western desert of Egypt an area called "Abu Muharak" dune belt ,it is the most outstanding dune belt in the Western Desert of Egypt, attaining c. 800 km in length and 50 km in width, with various dune density and dune types, that extends from the Bahariya Depression in the north to the Egyptian Sudanese border in the south. here i got the first light of December Meteor shower.