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Jennifer Wilhoit
Bainbridge Island, WA USA
10:30 am

Equipment Details:

Canon SX70 HS

Post-processing Details:

increased definition by one increment; decreased highlights by one increment

Image Details:

I had taken my best camera to our local nature reserve in hopes of seeing the immature coyote who has hunted right in front of me several times recently. But I got distracted by a deer, a squirrel, a great blue heron, and a large pile of black bear scat. At the largest pond, I came upon several species of duck feeding, including a pair of mallards. The air was cold and crisp, and it was a very overcast day. I was surprised when I arrived home, downloaded my photos, and discovered these wavy tree reflections, seemingly celebrating this male mallard's beautiful mirrored image on the water's surface. I was not disappointed by the young coyote's absence in his hunting fields farther along the path; there were many other living gems for which I was grateful.