EarthSky Community Photos

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09:00 pm

Equipment Details:

Nikon z6 Mod, Skywacher staradventurer tracker , Samyang 85mm lens

Post-processing Details:

Settings :
Sky (tracked stacked ): NBX dual filter 17*180 sec at Iso 4000 f3.5
foreground : 4 sec Iso 1250 f3.5

Softwares: DSS, Adobe Photoshop 2022, Pixinsight , Astrotools

Image Details:

Orion's treasures behind the observatory's Dome
Location : Cairo, Egypt

Kottamia Observatory is the largest telescope in the Middle East and North Africa. The telescope, which is located 80 km from the center of old Cairo, has a main mirror diameter of about 1.88 meters (74 inches) and weighs about 2 tons, The diameter of the dome is about 19 meters, and weighs more than 100 tons.

Light pollution is following us and Killing our observations, and in the upcoming few years the area around this observatory will be at 6-7 Bortle scale at least