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Peter Lowenstein
Mutare, Zimbabwe
06:23 pm

Equipment Details:

Hand-held Panasonic Lumix DMC-TZ60 in sunset mode.

Post-processing Details:

Image size reduction.

Image Details:

Extraordinary Post-Sunset Reflection.
On Tuesday evening grey cloud and overcast obscured any direct observation of either the setting sun or any sign of colour from it before the scheduled sunset time at 6.10 pm. However ten minutes later an extraordinary post-sunset reflection of bright red setting sunlight suddenly appeared within low cloud to the south west of Mutare which persisted for only five minutes before fading. A likely explanation is that a very narrow gap between layers of low cloud immediately behind the horizon must have allowed light from the recently set sun to escape and be projected forward onto others in front? In more than 10 years of observing Mutare sunsets I have never seen such an extraordinary restricted display of bright red late reflected sunlight appear briefly from nowhere in the complete absence of any other sign of the setting Sun.