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Amr Abdulwahab
The western desert of egypt
10:30 pm

Equipment Details:

Nikon D600 Astro-mod
ForeGround: Tamron 15-30 SP 2.8 At 15mm
Sky: NIKKor 35 1.4
Ioptron Sky Tracker

Post-processing Details:

Adobe photoshop
adobe bridge
Luminar neo

Image Details:

in a secluded spot in the desert, a unique mountain witnessing the tragic end of a WWII German Pilot's life.
In the Western desert of egypt,a road connecting El-Fayoum's Desert and Baharia Oasis, there fell a German Plane in the days of WWII, the pilot stayed next to this mountain in a small cave, and when he discovered he lost all connection with the German Army he wrote his story on the mountain there and died. The remains of this pilot and the writings on the mountain are still present.
I decided to take the adventure to catch the sky from this spot and here is the result