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Osama Fathi
Giza, Egypt
07:00 pm

Equipment Details:

Nikon Z6 mod
Nikkor 14-24 mm

ISS and star trails: 33*5 sec, ISO 250, f3.5
Foreground:1/80, ISO 640, f2.8

Post-processing Details:

Softwares :
Sequator, Adobe Photoshop, Astrotools, Topaz DN

Image Details:

ISS trails Over the Great pyramid (15 Sep 2022, 18:58 Cairo time )
the great pyramid of Giza is one of the oldest wonders on the earth and it is considered a symbol of ancient civilization,
The ISS is one of the symbols of modern civilization and it was built using current knowledge and science, as the great pyramid contains the knowledge of ancient people.
From the past to the modern into the future
ISS rise from Southwest and got higher to Northwest from (18:58 to 19:02) around 4 mins then go outside the frame, also you can find some star trails in the same period of ISS movement over the great pyramid