EarthSky Community Photos

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Cameron Frankish
Emsworthy Barn, Dartmoor, UK
12:15 am

Equipment Details:

Nikon Z5
Samyang F2.8/14mm
1 x 15 secs, ISO 800 F2.8 for the sky
8 x 20secs, ISO 500 F5.6 for the foreground

Post-processing Details:

8 foreground images light painted from different directions and blended with the sky in Affinity Photo

Image Details:

Emsworthy Barn (According to website):

A gently sloping valley leads you down between ancient dry-stone walls to the ruins of a moorland farm, abandoned since the 1870s. In early summer the fields all around are a dazzling purple from the flowers of thousands of bluebells...

According to me - Great place for astro, Class 3 skies and a great foreground :-)