EarthSky Community Photos

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Kannan A
06:30 am

Equipment Details:

Nikon Coolpix P900

Image Details:

I was searching for the moon in the morning and there it was directly overhead from my kitchen balcony. The moon seems to be most photographed judging from the numerous photos of the itin various phases submitted to EarthSky from all over the world by the community. The moon was 46.3% full and the craters and mare were still clearly visible especially Mare Imbrium seen here at the left bottom. Mare Imbrium also popularly referred to as the "Sea of Showers" or "Sea of Rains") is a vast lava plain within the Imbrium Basin on the Moon and is one of the larger craters in the Solar System. The Imbrium Basin formed from the collision of a proto-planet during the Late Heavy Bombardment according to Wikipedia.

Amazing how far I could reach with my point to shoot camera !