EarthSky Community Photos

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Michael Teoh
Heng Ee Observatory, Penang, Malaysia.
04:31 am

Equipment Details:

APM-TMB 228/2050 Telescope
RGB Filters
TeleVue 3x Barlow
QHY5L-II-M Camera

Post-processing Details:

Stacked with AutoStakkert!3
Wavelet adjustment with Registax 6
Derotation with Winjupos
Enhancement with Photoshop 2020

Image Details:

Jupiter taken on July 21 MYT. The transparency was much better than 3 nights ago. The weather was expected to turn bad after midnight according to forecast, but was surprisingly clear most of the night. This is my best Jupiter image so far.

I've also made a rotation sequence of the Great Red Spot. The video can be viewed here: