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Simon Capone
Morangup, Western Australia
06:50 pm

Equipment Details:

Canon M50
Samyang 8mm Fisheye
Sa2i Mount

Post-processing Details:

Stacked 14x30" Sky images, blended with foreground in GIMP.
Contrast & saturation also added in GIMP.

Image Details:

I was testing out some foreground shots while exploring the back roads around Morangup, it was getting towards the end of blue hour and started seeing the Milky Way appearing in longer exposures.
The foreground and initial image are at this time, then waited 15 mins for the sky to darken for a bit more detail to come out, and stacked the resulting images.
Luckily this back road is a dead end/not used much so was able to setup the tripod in the middle.
Back in Perth was a cloudy evening...glad I took a punt on clear skies further East.
Morangup is about an hour's drive from Perth city, rated as bortle class 3, you are able to see the Milky Way with the naked eye as it arches East to West this time of year.