EarthSky Community Photos

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Michael Teoh
Heng Ee Observatory, Penang, Malaysia.
10:29 am

Equipment Details:

APM-TMB 228/2050 Telescope
Lunt Solar Wedge
Baader ND Filter OD 3.0
Baader Solar Continuum Filter 540nm
Televue 2x Barlow
QHY5L-II-M Camera

Post-processing Details:

Stacked with AutoStakkert!3
Wavelet adjustment with Registax 6
Fine tune and false color with Photoshop 2020

Image Details:

This is the best result I have ever got with the setup. The seeing condition was near perfect. Despite already expecting a good result from the live images, the end result really surprised me. I'm not sure if I could ever get better than this.