EarthSky Community Photos

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Cameron Frankish
Vennford Reservoir, Dartmoor, Devon, UK
08:00 pm

Equipment Details:

Nikon D5200
Samyang F2/135mm Prime lens
ISO 800
1.3 secs exposure

Post-processing Details:

400 lights and 20 darks stacked in Sequator, cropped and colour balanced in Luminar 4

Image Details:

First serious attempt at imaging Andromeda with my new lens.
There was a 2 hour clear sky window forecast in the weather, so I decided to head up to Dartmoor (Class 3/4 Bortle). 5 mins after setting up the camera the cloud came in! I hung around and it cleared briefly but then it started raining - I was getting cold and fed up and was on the verge of giving up when it cleared properly and stayed clear allowing me to capture this image :-)

Next time I'll try 800 shots to see if I can resolve the faint detail around the edge of the galaxy.