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Nicholas Holshouser
Devils Courthouse, Mile Marker 422, Rosman, NC, USA
06:22 am

Equipment Details:

Nikon D750, Nikkor 28-300mm f/5.6

Post-processing Details:

Adjusted highlights, shadows, white balance, and dehaze to help bring out the faint crescent moon and Mars low on the horizon.

Image Details:

Devils Courthouse is an iconic rock outcropping at 5,240ft elevation along the Blue Ridge Parkway. It offers an unobstructed view to the horizon. I enjoy capturing small moons and this night the moon was at 1.2% waxing and set 50 minutes after the sun so I figured there would be a good chance to catch it. It was impossible to spot live, even with the live-view zoomed in, so I just did several panorama passes from 6:20 - 6:25 and this one shot captured not only the thin moon but also Mercury just to the right.