EarthSky Community Photos

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Patricia Evans
Seabrook, NH, USA
05:58 pm

Equipment Details:

Canon SX60 HS - handheld while leaning on my Ford Explorer for stability (no tripod) in the grocery store parking lot.

Post-processing Details:

Minor edit in Photoshop to tone down the neon lights at the bottom of the photo.
No edits to the moon or Venus.

Image Details:

A quick stop at the grocery store tonight turned into a parking lot photo session. When I got out of the car and looked up (I always look up!) I saw the new Moon and Venus rising over Chili's Restaurant across the street. I decided to leave the treeline and Chili's roofline in my photo to show how low the Moon and Venus were on the horizon. I noticed the "earthshine" on the unlit side of the moon and was hoping it would be evident in my photo, also.