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Nicholas Holshouser
Pisgah National Forest, North Carolina, USA
11:55 pm

Equipment Details:

Nikon Z6, Irix 15mm f/2.4 Firefly lens, LonelySpec PureNight Didymium filter

Post-processing Details:

boosted shadows slightly, boosted exposure 1 stop

Image Details:

I was out shooting during the Unicorn meteor shower and didn't capture any of those meteors. But I did snap this late Taurid meteor which is easily the best example I've ever captured of a meteor and its radiant. The star just to the right of the tail is Aldebaran which is, of course, one of Taurus the bull's eyes. Certainly meteors may appear anywhere in the sky and can be traced back to their radiant - but here's a case where the meteor is seen literally coming out of its radiant constellation.