EarthSky Community Photos

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Michael Wayne Holland
Lake Gibson-Lakeland, Florida
08:18 am

Equipment Details:

Canon EOS 6D Mark II with 75-300mm lens, 2X AF Converter (600mm) and Thousand Oaks SolarLite film thread-on filter.
ISO 200 f/8 (sweet spot), 1/60 second exposure.

Post-processing Details:


Image Details:

Amazed at the thought I could have accomplished this to begin with. No telescope required.
Thanks to the many informative emails, articles and social media posts that the EarthSky staff sent out that was a large part in making this challenge possible.
Skies were clear, crisp yielding unlimited visibility.
Started at 07:38AM EST and captured the transit until 10:40AMEST.
Next one visible to US isn't until May 2049 and I'll be 89. Not likely to be steady enough by then. LOL
But I look forward to reading all about it on EarthSky in that year.