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Nicholas Holshouser
Blue Ridge Parkway Milepost 428
05:56 am

Equipment Details:

Nikon D750, Nikkor 200-500m f/5.6 lens

Post-processing Details:

I chose daylight white balance and made adjustments to highlights (down) and shadows (up) while adding some clarity, vibrance, and texture. I then used negative dehaze to put some light glow back into the clouds. Shot at 500mm and cropped, f/5.6, ISO320, 1/80 sec exposure. Taken from an overlook on the Blue Ridge Parkway in western North Carolina about 25 miles SW of Asheville.

Image Details:

A busy morning in the sky, as the moon was setting I was also watching the ISS appear to the northwest. I was fortunate to have this break in the clouds just above the horizon so I could get the moon down low where it catches more of the gold/orange sunlight reflection.