Posts by 

Peter Lowenstein

Young moon and Mercury from Zimbabwe

The young moon and the planet Mercury adorn the western twilight after sunset on August 16.

Three planets and star, from Zimbabwe

A series of photos of Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and the star Regulus in the western evening dusk, August 3-8, by Peter Lowenstein.

Venus, Jupiter, Regulus from Zimbabwe

Peter Lowenstein in Zimbabwe - who has contributed many amazing photos to EarthSky - offers what might be your final glimpse of the planets after sunset.

Reflections of volcanic sunset in Africa

Aerosols from Calbuco Volcano in Chile - which have colored sunsets in parts of the Southern Hemisphere since April - provide rare glimpses of unusual beauty.

Amazing timelapse of volcanic sunset in Zimbabwe

Last night's sunset in Zimbabwe - May 10, 2015 - made spectacular by volcanic aerosols carried across the Atlantic from Chile's Calbuco volcano.

Aerosols from Chile’s Calbuco volcano reach Africa

The aerosols from the eruption of Calbuco volcano in Chile caused vivid sunsets in South America last week. Now they've crossed the South Atlantic, to Africa.

Striped sunrises and the shadows they cast

Two photos by Peter Lowenstein. One shows a sunrise striped with cloud, and the other shows the shadow from a cloud-striped sunrise on a nearby mountain slope.

Rare straight lightning over Zimbabwe

No zig-zagging. No branching. A lightning expert said this single, straight bolt of lightning was extremely rare ...

Lonely cloud pouring its heart out in Zimbabwe

Wonderful photo of an unusual rain cloud, plus two others from Mutare, Zimbabwe. Thanks for sending them, Peter Lowenstein!