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Dave Adalian

SpaceX Starship 4th test flight: Lots of successes

The SpaceX Starship - the world's most powerful rocket - had a successful 4th test flight on Thursday, June 6, 2024. Watch it again here.

What drove Snowball Earth? A drop in a greenhouse gas

Geologists believe a drop in carbon dioxide lasting millions of years caused Earth to freeze into Snowball Earth about 700 million years ago.

Gravity between Mars and Earth drives climate and currents

Seafloor sediments provided new evidence that a 2.4 million-year-long resonance between Mars and Earth affects long-term changes in ocean currents and temps.

Save the Frogs Day is today, Sunday, April 28

Save the Frogs Day - a global amphibian conservation effort - is today, Sunday, April 28, 2024. Amphibian health is an important marker of ecosystem quality.

Join the worldwide 2024 City Nature Challenge this weekend!

This weekend, April 26-29, 2024, join the global City Nature Challenge and record the biosphere in your neighborhood to help track real-time change.

Was asteroid Kamo’oalewa blasted from this moon crater?

A group of astronomers say their data point to a lunar origin for the near-Earth asteroid Kamo'oalewa, and that crater Giordano Bruno is the likely source.

US wants a standard moon time, for new Space Race

The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy on Tuesday directed NASA to create a unified standard moon time by the end of 2026.

April 8 solar eclipse maps are wrong along the edges

Your April 8 solar eclipse maps are wrong! The new map shows a narrower path of totality (in some places) than previously calculated.

Japanese moon lander SLIM survives 2nd lunar night

Japanese moon lander SLIM - which set down sideways on the moon on January 20 - has survived its 2nd night on the moon. It has awoken and is transmitting data.

What are Hubble and Webb looking at right now?

The recently redesigned Space Telescope Live webapp gives up-to-the-minute information about what the Hubble and Webb space telescopes are observing.