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Gianluca Masi

Watch online, as asteroid 2018 RC sweeps past

Asteroid 2018 RC will sweep past at about half the moon's distance during the night of September 8, according to clocks in the Americas. Learn how to see it online.

8 planets in 1 night, from Rome

"I have been thinking for decades about imaging 8 planets of our solar system in 1 night, from sunset to dawn. I imaged all of them from Rome, above the amazing monuments of the Eternal City."

Moon and Mercury over Rome last night

The moon and Mercury - innermost planet of our solar system - had a great meeting these past hours. Here, Gianluca Masi of the Virtual Telescope Project presents some shots capturing this exclusive show, hanging over the skyline of Rome.

Close pass from asteroid 2017 GM!

Asteroid 2017 GM is one of the 10 closest asteroids known so far to sweep past Earth, and then keep going. At its closest, it was less than 1/20th of the moon's mean distance.

Asteroid close encounter on April 2

The near-Earth asteroid 2017 FU102 has a very close, but safe, encounter with Earth on April 2, 2017, sweeping to within just over half the moon's distance.

Asteroid, discovered November 1, swept past

Astronomers discovered asteroid 2016 VA on November 1, 2016, just hours before it passed within 0.2 times the moon's distance of Earth. Images here.

Matching Donation Campaign

Exciting news! EarthSky received a $50,000 gift, with a request that it be used to collect matching funds. Please help us meet this match by donating to EarthSky today!

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