Posts by 

Eddie Irizarry

ESA and ESO confirm asteroid will miss Earth in September

Asteroid 2006 QV89, a space rock that'll pass closest to Earth on September 9, will not strike Earth. Details here, including a recent, fortunate non-detection of the asteroid by ESA and ESO.

A small asteroid hit us last weekend

Asteroid 2019 MO exploded in our atmosphere with an energy of about 3 to 5 kilotons of TNT. Such events happen once or twice yearly, astronomers say. Most are unexpected, but this space rock was detected hours before it struck.

Video: Asteroid 1999 KW4 as it swept past

It wasn't visible to the eye, but some telescope users in Earth's Southern Hemisphere caught it at its May 25 closest approach. Now Northern Hemisphere observers will get their chance. Charts here, and check out this cool video!

Another asteroid disintegrates over Russia

A bright meteor was caught in many dashcam videos - in broad daylight - on April 6, 2019, over the Russian city of Krasnoyarsk. See a video compilation here.

Speedy asteroid buzzed Earth last week, 1 day before being detected

A small asteroid - now designated as 2019 FC1 - flew closer to us than the moon on March 28, 2019. Astronomers detected it 1 day later. It's the largest of 14 asteroids to pass closer to us than the moon since 2019 began.

Woot! 4,001 exoplanets and counting 

The Exoplanet Team, led by the Observatoire de Paris, announced this week that the list of known exoplanets - planets orbiting distant stars - has grown to 4,001!

Small asteroid to sweep closer than moon’s distance

The house-sized asteroid - designated 2019 EA2 - will pass safely by our planet on the night of March 21-22, 2019.

Eclipse shows moon move in reverse

Check out this interesting eclipse of the sun by Earth's moon on March 6. A NASA spacecraft saw it. During the eclipse, the moon appears to reverse its direction!

Cuba meteor seen from the air

On February 1, 2019, a small asteroid - thought to be the size of a van - disintegrated over Viñales, Cuba. Many caught the meteor and its smoke trail from the ground. Cruz María Ruiz caught them from an airplane.

Fast comet closest to Earth this week

Fast-moving comet C/2018 Y1 (Iwamoto) will pass closest to us - 28 million miles away - on February 12. Charts and more here.