Spectacular fireball display in UK leads to rare meteorite recovery

UK scientists and meteor experts have recovered pieces of a rare meteorite, just days after it entered Earth's atmosphere and streaked across the sky. Researchers are ecstatic. "Normally we have to send spacecraft to collect bits of other worlds, but this time one has fallen right into our laps!" one said.

A hypergiant star’s mysterious dimming

Remember in late 2019, when the famous red star Betelgeuse suddenly and mysteriously began dimming in brightness? Astronomers studying a similar star - VY Canis Majoris, one of the largest and brightest stars in our galaxy - commented that it's "... behaving a lot like Betelgeuse on steroids."

Astronomers spy a nearby, blazing hot super-Earth

Most exoplanets orbiting close to their stars don't have atmospheres. But Gliese 486b - orbiting a red dwarf star only 24 light-years away - does. It's close enough to see well. Astronomers will be watching it!

Watch ISS spacewalk March 5

On Friday, March 5, two astronauts will perform the 2nd in a pair of International Space Station spacewalks to ready the station for solar array upgrades. How to watch live.

NASA selects 16 futuristic space technology concepts

NASA has selected 16 cool new futuristic space technology concepts for further study. Four of them are from NASA's own Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), including a railway system on the moon to move cargo.

Did you find the message hidden in Perseverance’s parachute?

The striped pattern on the parachute used by the Perseverance rover to land on Mars contained a hidden message. Internet sleuths were able to figure it out within a few hours.

Cosmic ray originated in cataclysmic event

Astronomers found a high energy neutrino - a cosmic ray - that apparently originated during a "tidal disruption event," that is, when a supermassive black hole shredded a distant star.

Parker Solar Probe captures a glimpse of Venus

The Parker Solar Probe turned its camera on Venus as the spacecraft flew by during a gravity assist.

Evidence for white dwarfs consuming Earth-like worlds

For the first time, astronomers have detected the vaporized remains of the crusts of long-dead Earth-like and Mars-like planets in the atmospheres of white dwarf stars.

Water worlds may be abundant in our galaxy

A new study suggests that our Milky Way galaxy is filled with planets like Earth, containing continents and oceans. If so, life might be common in the Milky Way.