Is ‘Oumuamua a frozen piece of an exoPluto?

A new theory about 'Oumuamua suggests the weird object that passed through our solar system in 2017 was a remnant of a Pluto-like world from another solar system. As one scientist said, "‘Oumuamua may be the first piece of an exoplanet brought to us."

Space debris lights up the sky over Pacific Northwest

A SpaceX rocket launched on March 4 that failed to perform a deorbit burn reentered Earth's atmosphere on March 25, 2021. It created a startling light display over Seattle and Portland.

New image of M87’s supermassive black hole

The Event Horizon Telescope collaboration released a new image of the supermassive black hole in the center of massive galaxy M87 on March 24, 2021. The image shows the signatures of a magnetic field.

Volcanism created a 2nd atmosphere on this Earth-sized exoplanet

For the first time, scientists have found evidence for a secondary atmosphere on an exoplanet, created by volcanism beneath the surface. The planet, GJ 1132 b, is thought to have once been a sub-Neptune, but now is a rocky world the size of Earth.

Milky Way mosaic took 12 years, 1250 hours

Through 12 years of photographing and stitching together individual astrophotography images, Finnish astrophotographer J-P Mestavainio has created a 1.7 gigapixel panorama of our Milky Way galaxy.

Long trip to Mars may cause astronauts to misread emotions

A study here on Earth simulating the weightless conditions of space travel showed that the longer the participants were exposed to a low-gravity environment, the more they perceived facial expressions as angry.

A supermassive black hole on the move

Astronomers have discovered a restless supermassive black hole that's moving within its galaxy.

Subsurface oceans on alien worlds better for life than Earth’s oceans?

New research suggests that worlds with subsurface oceans are common in our galaxy, and might be even better environments for life than Earth's oceans.

China and Russia will be building a moon base together

China and Russia are cooperating in plans to build a lunar research outpost on the moon. The China National Space Administration and Roscosmos - Russia's space agency - made the announcement in a memorandum dated March 9, 2021.

SETI’s Nathalie Cabrol on modern-day Mars life, underground

SETI's Nathalie Cabrol believes a widespread biosphere exists on Mars that has migrated underground over the past few billion years.