Space rock found on Earth traced back to origins on Vesta

In 2018, a small asteroid crashed into Earth, and scientists recovered pieces of it in a Botswana game reserve. Now the scientists have determined the space rock's origin: Vesta, in the asteroid belt.

Radio waves from famous FRB surprisingly long and late

Astronomers have managed to detect very long wavelength radio emission from a well-studied, repeating fast radio burst, called FRB 20180916B. What's more, the longer wavelengths arrive 3 days after the shorter wavelength counterpart of the signal! Why?

See 2 black holes in cosmic dance

NASA has released a cool new visualization showing two massive black holes orbiting each other in a stunning display of light. The intense gravity and other phenomena all play a part in producing this mesmerizing display. Watch here.

Check out this week’s asteroid impact exercise

Follow the action as asteroid scientists, space agencies and civil protection organizations participate in a drill - simulating an asteroid impact about to happen - during this week's virtual Planetary Defense Conference.

More than 5,000 tons of space dust fall to Earth each year

Dust shed from comets and asteroids constantly rains down on our planet. How much of this extraterrestrial material lands on Earth’s surface?

1st complete view of Venus’ orbital dust ring

NASA's Parker Solar Probe, currently studying the sun, has observed the entire dust ring that encircles the sun along Venus' orbit. It is the first complete view of this dust band from any spacecraft.

Record-breaking flare from nearby Proxima Centauri

Astronomers saw Proxima Centauri - the star nearest our sun - emit a flare, or burst of radiation, 100 times more powerful than flares from our sun. They said Proxima's flare ranks as one of the most violent seen on a solitary star anywhere in the galaxy.

Liftoff! 4 astronauts in Crew-2 mission blast off to ISS

The launch of Crew-2, the 2nd flight of this particular Crew Dragon, went off without a hitch Friday morning, after being postponed due to weather.

New Horizons passes milestone distance 50 AU

On April 17, 2021, the New Horizons spacecraft passed 50 astronomical units - 50 times Earth's distance from the sun - while speeding toward interstellar space. It also captured an image of another earthly spacecraft, even farther out.

It flew! Mars helicopter takes to the air

The Mars helicopter - named Ingenuity - successfully flew in the thin air of Mars early in the day on Monday, April 19. Images here.