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Stephen Bloodsworth
Silver Spring, Maryland USA
06:37 pm

Equipment Details:

Panasonic Lumix G85 M4/3 System
45-200 Lumix Telephoto @ 45mm
Tripod w/remote shutter release

Post-processing Details:

Photoshop Camera Raw
Adobe Landscape Color Profile
Camera Raw AI Enhance algorithm @ 45% to reduce noise
Minor Levels Adjustment

Image Details:

Light from buildings to the left and light from the town of Silver Spring was reflecting off what appear to be altostratus clouds creating a warm red effect. A jet in the middle blue sky leaves a short-lived contrail looking something like a meteor.

In this photo the waxing crescent moon is at 22.5% illumination and was 232,152 mi from the Earth's center at meridian crossing (3:58 pm EST).