Meet the microorganism that likes to eat meteorites

At least one type of microbe on Earth not only likes to eat meteorites but actually prefers them as a food source, according to a new international scientific study.

Why White Island erupted … and why there was no warning

White Island is one of several volcanoes in New Zealand that can produce sudden explosive eruptions at any time. An Earth scientist explains why.

New biomass map takes stock of Earth’s carbon

ESA released the 1st of a series of global maps aimed at quantifying change in carbon stored as biomass across the world’s forests and shrublands.

How does the solar wind affect Earth?

Why should we care about the new findings - released this week - from NASA's Parker Solar Probe? This new NASA video explains how the solar wind - a stream of charged particles from the sun - affects earthly astronauts and technologies.

Active 2019 Atlantic hurricane season comes to an end

The 2019 Atlantic hurricane season, which ended on November 30, produced 18 named storms, including 6 hurricanes, 3 of which were major (Category 3, 4 or 5).

Wolfe Creek Crater in Australia much younger than thought

Australia's Wolfe Creek Crater likely formed when a 50-foot meteor struck about 120,000 years ago.

Algal blooms are getting worse in lakes worldwide

In a global study that analyzed almost 30 years of satellite images of freshwater lakes, most of the lakes showed signs of worsening algal blooms.

Bizarre Tully Monster fossil is still a mystery

Was the Tully Monster - which left behind one of the strangest fossils ever discovered - a vertebrate or an invertebrate? The mystery continues.

Arctic ice loss exposes sea mammals to deadly virus

Scientists have linked melting Arctic sea ice to the emergence of a deadly virus among sea lions, ice seals, sea otters and other marine mammals.

Tons of acorns in your yard? It must be a mast year

Masting is what biologists call the pattern of trees for miles around synchronizing to all produce lots of seeds – or very few. Why and how do they get on schedule?