Space weather threatens equatorial regions too

Damaging electric currents in space affect Earth's equatorial region, not just the poles, according to new research.

Large 2015 Gulf of Mexico dead zone

Data from this year’s survey indicate that the dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico is above average in size, likely because of heavy rains in June.

First digital map of world ocean floor

Scientists have created a new digital map of Earth's seafloor geology.

Where lightning flashes most

According to satellite observations, more lightning happens over land than over the oceans, and more often closer to the equator. Check out this map.

Why haven’t earthquakes toppled these balancing rocks?

Scientists say they've solved the riddle of why a collection of balancing rocks near the San Andreas fault has never been knocked over by earthquakes.

El Niño conditions growing stronger

El Niño has strengthened in the past several months. Will this El Niño rival the event of 1997–98?

US deserts wet until 8,200 years ago

Research suggests that around 8,200 years ago, the climate of the American West began transitioning from a lush landscape to the desert terrain we know today.

California lacking a year’s worth of rain

Drought and more drought in California, whose accumulated rain debt now equals an average year's precipitation, according to a new study.

Video: The science of dogs

The newest video from AsapSCIENCE is for dog lovers. That is, for everyone!

Impacts of climate change on human health

A new report published in The Lancet finds that “tackling climate change could be the greatest global health opportunity of the 21st century.”