Today in science: Egypt’s first meteorite

It was the first meteorite in the Egyptian record. Years after the event, scientists concluded through various tests that it came all the way from Mars.

A new type of ichthyosaur

Don't call it a swimming dinosaur, scientists say. The newly discovered ichthyosaur looks much like a dolphin or shark and swam Earth's seas for millions of years.

Watch 5 moonsets over Zimbabwe

Moonset at 5 different points on the horizon, at 5 different moon phases, from a young moon to the June 20 full moon at Zimbabwe's winter solstice.

Wow! Watch sandstorm reshape dunes

Journey to White Sands, New Mexico and watch sandstorms reshape and move the dunes, under both blue and starry skies, in this gorgeous time-lapse.

Midnight solstice sun and moon

Two photos from northern Sweden on solstice night, a night of a midnight sun in that part of the world ... and also, in 2016, a midnight moon.

Edge of Tibetan Plateau from space

Great land plates shifted and came together - 55 million years ago - to create the Tibetan Plateau, the highest and largest plateau in the world today.

Warming temps to raise Zika virus risk

Global warming will cause more people to be exposed to the mosquito that carries Zika virus, says a new study. Why this mosquito is such a good virus-spreader.

Rare footage of Bryde’s whales feeding

Captured via drone off the coast of Auckland. There are thought to be fewer than 200 of these creatures left in New Zealand waters.

Phytoplankton bloom in the North Sea

Ocean phytoplankton are too small to see individually, but a large phytoplankton bloom can be seen from space as a colored patch on the sea surface.

Fastest CO2 increase on record

The recent El Niño has driven a rise in atmospheric CO2. Scientists expect it to surpass 400 parts per million for the year and stay there at least a human lifetime.