Shifting identities for traveling neutrinos

MIT researchers show that neutrinos can change between several distinct “flavors” while traveling from a facility near Chicago to a detector in Minnesota.

Giant quake may lurk under Bangladesh

A huge earthquake could be building beneath Bangladesh, Earth's most densely populated nation. There's potential for some 140 million people to be affected.

Researchers recreate 1st steps on dry land

In a groundbreaking study, researchers explored a key evolutionary transition - from animals living in water to living on land - using a robot called MuddyBot.

Noctilucent clouds over Europe last week

Time-lapse video of the amazing noctilucent cloud display over northern Europe on July 12-14, 2016. Adrien Mauduit called it a "storm" of these clouds.

Watch wind flowing across US in real time

The wind map updates every hour and lets you see the movement, flow, and speeds of wind across the United States. Go see it! It's great!

New microscopic view of ocean floor life

Underwater microscope provides new views of ocean-floor sea creatures in their natural setting.

Moon photobombs Earth

In early July, a satellite camera caught the moon crossing the face of Earth.

Noctilucent clouds over northern Europe

Photos from far northern Europe last night and this morning (July 13 and 14, 2016) of a wonderful display of noctilucent, or night-shining, clouds.

Keeping Earth safe from asteroids

How NASA is working to keep Earth safe from asteroids and other hazards that come from deep space.

Russian glacier-covered volcano erupting

The Klyuchevskoy volcano on Russia's Kamchatka Peninsula is erupting. Ash explosions affecting air traffic could occur at any time.