Shorebirds in Delaware Bay: 2024’s spring migration

The Delaware Bay region is one of the most important shorebird habitats in the world. In spring, some shorebirds gobble up horseshoe crab eggs for food.

Heat dome kills people and animals in Mexico

A heat dome brought record temperatures to Mexico, Central America and parts of Florida and Texas in May. Mexico has been hit especially hard.

The adorable leaf sheep sea slug: Lifeform of the week

These sheep don't bleat or produce wool or milk. Instead, they live in the water and perform photosynthesis. Read more about the adorable leaf sheep sea slug.

Stargazing in national parks around the world

Stargazing in national parks ... yes! Increasing light pollution in the United States makes national parks some of the last dark refuges.

Egyptian pyramids new finding: Just add water

Egyptian pyramids are marvelous constructions. But how could the ancient Egyptians transport the tons-heavy blocks there? Now, a new explanation.

Portugal fireball captured on satellite and video

The Portugal fireball of May 18, 2024, was captured from the ground on video and from satellites in space. The fireball was most likely a comet fragment.

Warm-blooded dinosaurs emerged 180 million years ago

Warm-blooded dinosaurs arose about 180 million years ago, during the Jurassic Period, in response to changes in climate, according to a new study.

Killer whales take 1 breath between dives

Killer whales take 1 breath between dives. New data from tags attached to the animals and observations from unmanned aerial vehicle drones have verified it.

Colorful iguanas are our lifeform of the week

Iguanas are formidable, armored reptiles that can change color and detach their tails. Plus, they have a third eye! All you need to know about iguanas, here.

Crepuscular rays are sunrays in twilight skies

Crepuscular rays form around twilight when particles in the atmosphere reflect the sun's light beams toward our eyes. See photos of the phenomenon here.