Ice losses from Antarctica have tripled since 2012

Ice melting in Antarctica has raised sea levels by 7.6 mm since 1992, with almost half of this rise coming in the last five years.

Gulf of Mexico 2018 dead zone forecast

NOAA scientists project that this summer’s Gulf of Mexico hypoxic zone or ‘dead zone’ – an area of low to no oxygen that can kill marine life – will be about the size of Connecticut.

What we inherited from bug-eating mammal ancestors

If you’re an advocate for insects in human diets, go ahead. Munch on a grasshopper. The genes needed to digest bugs are still in our genome, inherited from the tiny, furry distant ancestors of all mammals, including humans.

End of the journey for iceberg B-15?

B15 was the largest iceberg ever recorded to break away from Antarctica’s Ross Ice Shelf. That was in the year 2000. Now the iceberg is nearly gone. See its remant from space, and the track of its journey.

How far away was that lightning?

When you see a flash of lightning, do you count seconds until it thunders? An atmospheric scientist comments ...

Kilauea volcano still going strong

The ongoing event is now said to be one of Kilauea's most destructive eruptions in modern times.

Explore 20 years of Earth data

From NASA, 2 decades of planetary change. See detailed views of volcanoes fuming, hurricanes flooding, dams being built, wildfires sweeping across landscapes and more.

Sharks’ 6th sense tuned to attack

In recent studies, sharks had a simple reaction to a wide range of electric fields, suggesting their system is tuned for one thing: catching prey.

Guatemala’s Fuego volcano erupts in fury

The death toll is up to 65, with hundreds injured, from Sunday's powerful eruption of Volcan de Fuego in Guatemala.

Small asteroid zipped through Earth’s atmosphere

The IAU confirmed that the asteroid originally designated ZLAF9B2 – now called 2018 LA – disintegrated at a height of 30 miles (50 km) over South Africa on June 2, 2018.