Will your summer will be full of mosquitoes?

Now that it’s summer in the Northern Hemisphere, our thoughts turn to … mosquitoes! Here’s some handy info from a biologist.

Will climate change make rice less nutritious?

As atmospheric carbon dioxide levels rise, rice plants - the primary food source for more than 3 billion people - produce fewer vitamins and other key nutrients. 

Will ‘slow earthquakes’ along central San Andreas trigger larger quakes?

"Based on our observations, we believe that seismic hazard in California is something that varies over time and is probably higher than what people have thought up to now."

Lake Superior sediment-heavy after torrential rains

The downpour took place last weekend in parts of the U.S. Upper Midwest - Wisconsin, Minnesota and especially northern Michigan. Satellite images show the effects on Lake Superior, the largest of the Great Lakes of North America.

Fossils of 2 new creatures from dawn of animal life

Researchers found the 2 fossils in a South Australian fossil bed dubbed "Alice’s Restaurant Bed,” a tribute to the Arlo Guthrie song lyric “You can get anything you want at Alice’s Restaurant.”

Tick’s worst day ever preserved 100 million years

A bit of amber preserved a drama from 100 million years ago, an interaction between a tick and a spider.

More wildlife now working the night shift

It's getting harder for wild animals to find human-free spaces on Earth. New research suggests that human disturbance is creating a more nocturnal natural world.

3D view of Amazon rainforest canopy

A rainforest canopy can reach 15 to 20 stories high. It's an ecosystem unto itself. Now - to study drought effects - scientists have made the 1st 3D measurements of rainforest canopies in the Brazilian Amazon.

Kilauea volcano lava river flows to sea

Kilauea volcano's Fissure 8 has produced a large, channelized lava flow that's acted like a river, eating through the landscape, finally producing clouds of steamy, hazardous "laze" as hot lava meets the cold ocean.

Bees understand the concept of zero

Scientists just learned that honeybees can understand the concept of zero. That puts bees in an elite club of clever animals - some birds, monkeys, humans - that can grasp the abstract notion of nothing.