Prehistoric mass graves linked to tsunamis

“We were able to make a strong case for many of these sites being related to major tsunamis, as opposed to more standard explanations like warfare or an epidemic."

2017 was 3rd warmest year on record, says international report

According to the annual State of the Climate report, 2017 was the globe's 3rd-warmest year on record, behind 2016 (1st) and 2015. Earth also experienced record-high greenhouse gas concentrations and rises in sea level.

Think sharks are coolest ocean predators? Consider mantis shrimps

Do sharks have bullet-like strikes? Do they have super-vision? Can they take down prey in milliseconds? Mantis shrimps have these abilities - and more - to make them among the world’s most impressive predators.

Why wildfires are bigger and harder to control

It's a perfect storm of factors - including climate change, development, past forest management policies and current firefighting practices, says forestry expert.

How to see a full circle rainbow

It's possible to see the whole circle of a rainbow - but sky conditions have to be just right. Plus you have to be up high!

Which lizards can outlast a hurricane?

In the wake of hurricanes Irma and Maria, researchers document how catastrophic storms can be agents of natural selection, influencing how species evolve.

12 shark facts that might surprise you

#5 If you flip a shark over, it goes into a trance.

Space-based solar power: How close to reality?

The technology is further along than you might think for capturing solar energy in space - where the sun always shines - and beaming it to Earth.

The vanishing of the 1st American dogs

"It is fascinating that a huge population of dogs that inhabited all corners of the Americans for thousands of years could have disappeared so rapidly."

Amazing Kilauea volcano imagery you might have missed

For more than 2 months, lava has been pouring from Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano, destroying homes and remaking the land. A compilation of photos and videos, here.