Researchers find fast flip in Earth’s magnetic field

By studying the magnetic record left behind in earthly rocks, researchers found a magnetic field reversal - where magnetic north became magnetic south - lasting only 2 centuries.

Researchers say STEVE isn’t an aurora

What's been called a new kind of aurora - the striking sky phenomenon dubbed STEVE - isn't an aurora at all, according to a new study.

What are rare earth elements?

Most of us use rare earth elements every day – without knowing it. These little-known and fascinating elements make modern electronics possible.

North America’s smoky skies

Do your skies look hazy? Are your sunsets very orange, or layered-looking, or does the sun or moon look orange while high in the sky? If you're in the northern U.S. or Canada, the reason is still wildfire smoke.

We’re guinea pigs in global microplastic experiment

Microplastics are everywhere - in our water, soil, and even the air we breathe. The consequences of this exposure on human health is unknown.

We promise you won’t be eaten by a megalodon

So go ahead and get scared at the new movie "The Meg," but don't worry. Scientists have officially debunked the myth that megalodon sharks still exist.

Carbon monoxide from California wildfires drifts east

What happens in California doesn't stay in California. This animation, made from satellite data, shows carbon monoxide from the state's massive wildfires drifting eastward all the way across the U.S.

Bam! Meteorite bombardment created Earth’s oldest rocks

A new computer modeling study shows that - some 4 billion years ago - a barrage of incoming debris from space likely formed what we know today as Earth’s oldest rocks.

What’s causing Florida’s algae crisis? 5 questions answered

Red tides and a blue-green algae outbreak are fouling hundreds of miles of coast, killing fish and driving tourists from beaches. Some causes are natural, but human actions also play a role.

The unique elephant brain

Today is World Elephant Day. Here's a look at how unique brain structures - different from those of any other mammal - are responsible for elephants' special abilities in learning and memory.