Tropical Storm Gordon has made landfall

One death has been reported so far from the storm. Gordon's winds were just below hurricane-force last night when it made landfall just west of the Alabama-Mississippi border.

Love vines suck life from wasps, leaving mummies

For the first time, biologists have documented dueling parasites in South Florida. When love vines do battle with gall wasps, the result is wasp mummies.

Watch it get hotter, 1880-2017

An anomaly is something that deviates from what's standard, or expected. This global warming visualization - created by Antti Lipponen of the Finnish Meteorological Institute - shows yearly temperature anomalies by country.

Why you can smell rain

What you're smelling is petrichor – a pleasant, earthy scent that accompanies a storm's first raindrops. A weather expert explains where it comes from.

Beluga whales and narwhals go through menopause

Besides humans, only 4 species are known to experience menopause, and they're all whales – belugas, narwhals, killer whales and short-finned pilot whales.

Hybrid super-snakes in South Florida?

Interbreeding between Burmese and Indian pythons in South Florida might have resulted in what geneticists call "hybrid vigor." One result is that the snakes seem to have adapted to both swamps and high, dry ground.

How a volcano helped defeat Napoleon at Waterloo

In June 1815, the Allied army defeated Napoleon’s army at Waterloo. An Indonesian volcano helped, says a scientist at Imperial College London.

Guessing your shelter dog’s breed? You’re probably wrong

What breed is he? is often the first question people ask about a dog, but the answer is often terribly inaccurate,” said the author of a new genetic study of shelter dogs.

Why are some species more likely to go extinct?

Death is inevitable for individuals and also for species. With help from the fossil record, paleontologists are piecing together what might make one creature more vulnerable than another.

Why plants don’t get sunburn

Plants produce their own chemical sunscreens that protect them from harmful ultraviolet light.