What we’ve learned from 50 years of ocean drilling

We know more about the surface of the moon than about Earth’s ocean floor. But analysis of core samples from the deep seabed has given us insights into climate change, Earth’s history, and the key conditions for life.

Death toll surges over 800 in Indonesia earthquake

Links to stories and images of the 7.5-magnitude earthquake and subsequent tsunami in Indonesia on Friday. By Sunday morning, the death toll had gone over 800, with thousands waiting to be rescued.

Study untangles role of pollution, smoke on thunderclouds

Smoky air makes it harder for thunderclouds to grow. But pollution - if it's not too heavy - energizes their growth, according to a new study based on satellite data.

NASA balloon tracks electric blue clouds

A balloon mission flying over the North Pole captured 6 million images of these bright blue noctilucent clouds in their home in the upper atmosphere.

Pink lagoon provides clues to possible Mars life

This candy-pink lagoon in Spain is providing valuable clues about how extremophile microorganisms might exist on Mars despite the planet's harsh conditions.

What are haboobs? Amazing pics and videos

Dust storms, also known as haboobs, occur when winds from dying thunderstorms push downward and pick up sand and dirt across desert areas. Amazing pics and video from last summer's haboobs in Arizona, here.

Fight climate change with more swamps

These scientists say the world needs more swamps, bogs, fens, marshes and other types of wetlands.

How scientists know our seas are rising faster

Sea levels have been rising since the end of the last Ice Age. But, as climate warms, the rate of the rise is accelerating. A new ESA video explains how we know.

Why is Earth’s spin axis drifting?

As Earth rotates, its spin axis -- an imaginary line that passes through the North and South Poles -- drifts and wobbles. Scientists now have, for the 1st time, identified 3 reasons why.

Birds flying south. How many will return?

Contrary to popular thought, birds wintering in the tropics survive the winter better than birds wintering in the U.S. That's despite the fact that tropical wintering birds migrate 3 to 4 times farther.